What is the product, or what are the products, of this reaction? CH4 reacts with oxygen (O2) to make carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O 1 carbon atom. The chemical formula for this reaction is CH4 + 2O2--> CO2 + 2H2O. Here is the balanced combustion reaction of oxygen and methane: 2 O₂ + CH₄ → CO₂ + 2 H₂O. The re­ac­tion equa­tion of meth­ane com­bus­tion: CH₄ [gas] + 2O₂ [gas] → CO₂ [gas] + 2H₂O [steam] + 891kJ. Combustion reactions require a fuel (methane) oxygen and some heat energy to get things started. Methane belongs to a … Here is a balanced chemical equation: CH4 + 2O2 ---> CO2 + 2H2O + Energy. 4 hydrogen atoms. They produce carbon dioxide, water and an explosion or fire (the heat energy). As a re­sult of the re­ac­tion, wa­ter, car­bon diox­ide and a great deal of en­er­gy are formed. Methane is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH4 (one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen). Both sides of the equation now have: 4 oxygen atoms. The chemical formula for this reaction is CH4 + 2O2--> CO2 + 2H2O. It is a group-14 hydride and the simplest alkane, and is the main constituent of natural gas. The process of the com­bus­tion of meth­ane is the in­ter­ac­tion of meth­ane with oxy­gen. The relative abundance of methane on Earth makes it an economically attractive fuel, although capturing and storing it poses technical challenges due to its gaseous state under normal conditions for temperature and pressure. 1: Methane burns in oxygen to yield carbon dioxide and water.